
Optimize your transportation and logistics needs using our AI solution, which enables you to raise the quality of service, improve customer satisfaction, and increase the degree of transparency in a quick, secure and cost effective manner.
Reduced operational costs
Increase security by location validation
Reduce vehicle turnaround times
Increase the efficiency of receiving (inbound) and shipping (outbound) processes to optimize the warehouse operation

Simple, Smart and Connected

Our solution is easy to use, flexible and highly scalable. We help shippers make better decisions with dynamic real-time analysis, leveraging the latest in AI and machine learning. We also provide seamless connectivity with BI tools like Tableau, Google Data Studio, etc.

Automated reports and alerting

We have the ability to analyze License Plates, Company name, Lot and Date & Time which can then be used to generate real-time alerts on Vehicle LP exit at no entry, Parking Car Longevity of Stay, Vehicle with existing LP in database, Inventory count per lot, Low confidence LPR, Lot Is Full, etc.

Object Identification

Our models can verify thousands of objects, including vehicle’s size, type, capacity and carrier info. We also identify container information such as OCR of containers at key entry and exit points, data including Container Number, Container size / type, Container Position.

Personnel Detection

Using our Person Detection technology, we monitor the warehouse perimeter, track persons, analyze the data, and can prevent thefts and violation of the safety rules. Our system enables you to track any activity such as who is entering and leaving the warehouse territory.

Text Identification

ProjAIX’s Text Detection Engine can provide information on ISO code, Container position, Empty Container, LPR, Trailer Code, Door Detection, Seal Presence, Container Code, etc.

Damage Detection

We enable you to recognize, identify and classify the damage. Information on Manufacturer, Object Color, Object Part (Sidewall, Roof, Doors), Object Type (Truck, Container) can be generated that can help in getting the cost of repairing the damage or impact of the insurance premium or deductible.